Unguentum Acidi Salicylici.—Ointment of Salicylic Acid.

Related entry: Acidum Salicylicum (U. S. P.)—Salicylic Acid

Preparation.—"Take of salicylic acid, 60 grains; soft paraffin, 1080 grains; hard paraffin, 540 grains. Melt the hard and soft paraffins together, add the salicylic acid, and stir the whole constantly until cold"—(Br. Pharm., 1885). The salicylic acid strength is here 1 in 28. The British Pharmacopoeia (1898) directs a strength of but 1 in 50.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.